
Discriminant Validity through Fronell-Larcker Criterion

The Fronell-Larcker criterion is one of the most popular techniques used to check the discriminant validity of measurements models.

Discriminant Validity

Your main reason for conducting discriminant validity for your study will be to show how distinct an item or set of items is from others.

Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)

Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is conducted after the researcher has gained substantial knowledge about the latent variables (s)he wishes to study.

Convergent Validity

Convergent validity is a subset of construct validity. Here, the researcher’s aim is to find out whether the items he claims are measuring a particular construct are indeed measuring them.

Factor loading and Cross-loading

Understand the concept of factor loadings and cross loading; steps required to output these results from SPSS.

How to calculate Average Variance Extracted and Composite Reliability

Download an excel file and calculate your AVE and CR in 5 simple steps!

Discriminant Validity through Cross Loadings

According to Gefen and Straub (2005), “discriminant validity is shown when each measurement item correlates weakly with another construct excepts for the ones to which it is theoretically associated”.

Measurement versus Structural Model

Unlike the measurement models which deals with the relationship between a latent variable and its indicators, the defines the relationship between the various constructs in a model.

Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

On average, how much variations in your items can be explained by a construct or latent variable? This is the purpose of AVE.

Composite Reliability

Does your construct’s composite reliability value meets the threshold?