
Reliability Analysis in SPSS

Do it yourself - Learn how to determine reliability of each construct and that of the research model using Cronbach alpha (α) in 4 simple steps.

Concept of Reliability

Pause! Let me ask you a question, how reliable was the questionnaire you last distributed or how reliable were the various items/questions measuring their respective construct?

Latent versus Observed variables

Social Acceptance is a latent variable because is too broad and the researcher cannot measure it directly. The researcher is tasked to design a set of questions/items (that have been empirically tested and conforms to theory) to measure Social Acceptance. The questions measuring Social Acceptance are called observed variables because…

Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)

In Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), the researcher has no prior intention of confirming the existence of any existing relationship prior to the analysis of the data, but instead, the researcher allows the various techniques, methods, procedures and rules to reveal the relationship in the data.

Test for Outliers

You can’t trust outliers and their effect maybe be minimal or larger than you think. Their presence can result in a false positive or nagtive result. Let me walk you through the fundamental steps to address this issue using box and whisker plot.

Missing Value Analysis (MVA)

Check the most comprehensive approach for rectifying missing values in your dataset.